Scotland trip recap part 4: Black Isle and Cairngorm Breweries

After leaving the Isle of Skye (and almost running out of gas between Kyle of Lochalsh and Inverness... don't you think there'd be a petrol station somewhere along the 80 miles of highway between the two cities?) we headed east to Aviemore, a town in the southern Highlands that is almost like Vail or Breckenridge here in the States; it's a skiing and outdoors hotspot, lying at the foot of the Cairngorms National Park.
However, before we got to Aviemore, we stopped at the Black Isle Brewery. Black Isle gets a lot

Before I get to their beer, I should recap their tour. Unfortunately, since we were there on a weekend, we weren't able to talk with any of the brewers there but our tour guide was wonderful. The brewery isn't terribly big (as you can see

On to the beer... Like many newer Scottish breweries, they aren't terribly beholden to tradition. They did have a Wee Heavy in their lineup, but even that had a roast malt quality that didn't seem quite to style (though it was very good, mind you). While I enjoyed many of their

The other Black Isle beer that blew me away was their Export Oatmeal Stout. Another high-gravity beer, the rich, roasty flavors--with, again, just a touch of smoke--helped mask the alcohol warmth. Readers of this blog know that I am in no way biased towards high-gravity beers, but both the Heather Honey Ale and the Export Oatmeal Stout had tons of flavor that really impressed me. I was definitely glad we decided to stop by Black Isle on our way to Aviemore.
Once arriving in Aviemore, we quickly made our way to Cairngorm Brewery.

After the tour, we got to try their entire line-up which consisted of eight different ales. Like Black Isle, Cairngorm was willing to push the envelope on its beers though its lineup still felt decidedly Scottish. The night before our tour I enjoyed a pint of their Wildcat on cask, and I'd have to say it may have been my favorite beer that truly seemed in the Scottish tradition (nice and malty with a hint of roastiness and just enough bitterness... awesome). At the brewery, my favorite beers were their Blessed Thistle and their Black Gold. The Blessed Thistle is (as you might guess) bittered with thistles rather than hops. They then use both hops and ginger towards the end of the boil. It was unique without being too spicy or medicinal. The Black Gold is described as a "Scottish stout." Based on my tasting, that term means the roastiness of a stout along with the caramel sweetness of a Scottish ale. It won the CAMRA Champion Beer of Scotland in 2005 so I'm not the only one who likes it.
For our last night in Scotland, we enjoyed dinner at the Old Bridge Inn. Since we were in the

Towards the end of the dinner, we met a German couple and ended up having one last pint with them. I commented that I studied in Germany and the wife commented that she studied at the University of Illinois. Go figure. I suppose it was appropriate that I would end up using my limited knowledge of the German language on our last night in Scotland since we intend on returning to Germany for our next vacation.
The only other thing to note before we returned home was that we were able to sample an authentic (or so we were told) Cornish pasty. This was particularly exciting for us because pasties are common up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, as well as nearby northern Michigan where Leah is from. I found the Cornish variety to be a little more stew-like than its Michigan cousin, which is thicker. On the whole, though, it was pretty similar and damn tasty. A fitting end to an awesome vacation.
The cornish pasty sounds really good. While we were in London we ate a ton of these things..but they were largely very dry and not stew like in any way...I'm thinking I would prefer a more stewey pasty much more..
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